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                                                                                                                      No. 37

THE ORARCH         May, 1943

                Subscription $1 a year, 50¢ for 6 months. For discussion groups, each additional copy per month above the first fully paid year's subscription, 25¢ per year.

                Issued by the Boston Liberty Group.

                Contributions of news or articles are welcomed.




            During the month of May the coal miners have walked out on strike, and the question of settlement still remains in abeyance; likewise it remains uncertain from day to day whether the miners will be out on strike or back to work pending settlement. At any rate, they do not seem to show the old "follow-the leader" attitude to the same extent as formerly; and their leader, who some eight years ago led one of the greatest labor union splits in American history, has applied for readmission, with his entire following of coal-mine industry workers, into the old conservative union organization which he left with such a fine show of rebellion. His eight-year bid for dictatorial privilege in the United States appears to be at an end for the present. The wave of popular hatred against him arising in certain quarters appears to be largely a case of jumping on a man when he is down; but "Lou-Ellen," during his eight-year bid for absolute power, was preparing to act as "Arbeiter-Front" leader to the New Deal's bid for dictatorship in the United States. The minor dictator has collapsed; remains to be seen what will happen with the major one.

            On the heels of this collapse comes another one. The Communist International has been dissolved, with the request to their member organizations in allied countries to put all their energy behind their respective governments in war work. Thus ends the American Communist organization as part of a world unit of revolution; it remains to be seen whether they will attempt to strike out on lines of their own (which they so far have never possessed) or simply become another Civil Defense unit, adding a "me-too" to the spirit of revenge that is blinding the people of this country. In any event, it will no longer be a haven for those who believe in some form of rebellion against things as they are. We are glad to see that Americans of rebel tendency will now be forced to find expression along lines not so obviously imported from a dictatorial country; we hope that they will be able to work out for themselves a rebel spirit more in line with American rebel tradition than they have been able to do while blinded by the idea that Russia was a great revolutionary hope. And we hope that, with the collapse on the labor front, that American spirit will be able to work itself out without the entanglement of the Eastern-Hemisphere notion that a new system of society is necessarily tied up with the labor-union movement.

            In an article recently appearing in a nationally known magazine published in Boston, a prominent college president has written concerning the need for a truly American liberal movement, deriving from such principles as the Declaration of Independence. Maybe that document, rich in foundations for the revolution of its day, and in principles of rebellion in general, may prove the inspiration of a new type of movement to give expression to American rebel tendencies without resorting to foreign or labor tie-ins. It is largely these entanglements that have blocked the way, in the past generation, for the progress of American native principles toward the social revolution that would be their logical outcome.

            "When any government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it."Declaration of Independence


            Just as a sample of how far the war-mongering spirit can go, we have heard of people being accused of "fomenting peace." Maybe the kind of peace they picture is an upheaval that can be fomented, just as it appears to be a battle that can be "won," according to our own American Fuehrer, Franco Delano.


            According to one report, the source of the latest excitement in Washington has been a rumor that both the President and his wife are in town.


            "You can't punish any human being by putting him in an intolerable situation unless you're prepared to take the consequences . . . . . . It's the reason we'll go on having wars for centuries to come; the victors can never remember that simple fact when it comes time to write a peace treaty."From a recently published detective story.

            And we still hope there will be some way to short-cut this process to an early end.


            Washington has just ordered a general all-around cut in bus schedules. And, at the latest report, the governor of Massachusetts has replied with an order to the exact contrary. The old issue of states' rights is back with us, "large as life and twice as natural."


            Citizens of Lexington, Mass. (known as the starting-point of the American revolution) have been showing their independence in an unusual way. Tin cans in Lexington are being nicely flattened out according to official directionsand then thrown on the dump heap.

            While another of these practise air-raid alarms was so widely disregarded in Boston that the metropolitan region was punished with two more practise alerts within the week. Just another demonstration of the results of too much crying "wolf." And proof that Americans will stand for just so much nonsenseand balk.


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